=== Do your bit – Donate to our Foundation ===
Gift a smokeless cooking environment to a needy house hold today. Smoke from cooking fire kills millions each year. This project teaches people how to make their own smokeless cookstoves in regional India and empowers them to teach others to do the same.
- Cheque in name of “Smokeless Cookstove Foundation"
- Address : 202 – C Wing, Sai Simran, Opposite Metal Box, Deonar, Mumbai – 400088, Maharashtra, India
Bank Transfer
- Current Ac No. 50200029021680
- Bank : HDFC
- District : Mumbai
- Branch : Shop No 10 & 11 Neelkanth Gardens, Bhaktakavi Shivaji Bhai Devshi Road - 400088
- RTGS/ NEFT IFSC Code : HDFC0001211

All donations made to Smokeless Cookstove Foundation are eligible for exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

- Rs 2000 - Fund 1 Smokeless Cookstove Revolution (SCR) Kit for a regional family. When you fund a kit here, we make sure it goes to a needy person/village/organisation in a region where it will make an impact for good.
- Rs 10,000 - Fund 5 SCR Kits for group of households. Give a gift that keeps on giving... We'll make sure these kits are delivered to a location that needs them.
- Rs 15,000 - Fund a community trainer fee to conduct a training programme in rural location. When you fund this option, we locate and a train up an NGO trainer to use these kits in their region, ensuring maximum impact on the ground where it is most needed.
- Rs 60,000 - Fund a Training Workshop and set of 20 SCR Kits. By funding this option, we can equip a full training module run by the Smokeless Cookstove Foundation with the equipment they need to get all the trainees set up with their own kits. This is a super high impact option that facilitates hundreds of smokeless cookstoves being made every month for an ongoing period.

The Smokeless Cookstove Foundation is a Non-profit organisation working towards curbing the problem of Household Air Pollution.
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Red Earth And Smokeless Fire
by Nitisha Agrawal | Jan 10, 2019 |

by Nitisha Agrawal | Feb 4, 2019 |