Latest updates in the media on issues related to household air pollution and related areas.
=== Useful Links ===
“Burning Opportunity: Clean Household Energy for Health, Sustainable Development, and Wellbeing of Women and Children”
Click to download the PDF: WHO report

Sometimes, travel means exploring more than what meets the eye, and giving back to the destination.
They say that travel opens up new horizons, helping you see the world in a different light, and when you come back home, you end up seeing the old as new. Broadened horizons create broadened minds, and as American artist Joel Bergner travelled from his hometown in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, to the Dominican Republic, Jordan and India, among other places, his art grew and evolved; it evolved with a social purpose. “Every country has its iconic sights that they show outsiders – the Eiffel Tower, Christ the Redeemer – but these reflect the local culture the least. Living in a regular, common neighbourhood, a low-income area, and really mixing with the people…has shown me the real life situations there. I learn so much from the people that I interact with.”

Nitisha Agrawal lives with the Korku tribe of Central India and writes about their little known culture and lifestyle.
There are two kinds of travellers in my reserved opinion. The first will meticulously plan their trips based on numerous hours spent on Tripadvisor and Google searches. The second will simply pack their bags and take the first mode of transport available to someplace new, thereby surrendering themselves to the unfolding of unimaginable adventure. An experience with the elusive Korku tribal community settled in the heart of India, Madhya Pradesh, falls into the second category. Simply because there is hardly any documentation available on their settlement, culture and lifestyle. I happened to live through this unforgettable experience as part of my work for a non-profit project conducting training programmes in making smokeless cookstoves..

The Smokeless Cookstove Foundation is a Non-profit organisation working towards curbing the problem of Household Air Pollution.
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Red Earth And Smokeless Fire
by Nitisha Agrawal | Jan 10, 2019 |

by Nitisha Agrawal | Feb 4, 2019 |