About Himalayan Rocket Stove
SCF’s solution is built on the same Rocket Stove technology as our mentor social enterprise – Himalayan Rocket Stove’s core products. Himalayan Rocket Stove is a Social Enterprise based in Himachal Pradesh, with a manifold view to reduce carbon emissions from indoor heating in the Himalayan Region, curb usage of wood and our dependence on forests, for the same. This is also reflected in its focus on achieving a triple bottom line – Social, Environmental and Financial, in terms of returns. HRS’s flagship product – the rocket stove is a clean burning, high efficiency, wood combustion stoves that can be used for heating and cooking. After working with over 7 prototypes of the product, HRS’s founder Russell Collins, settled on the current version and the company has already installed over 800 stoves, a few of which were part of donations made to schools, monasteries and nunneries around Himachal Pradesh and Leh-Ladakh. To know more about our social enterprise visit www.himalayanrocketstove.com
Himalayan Rocket Stove in conjunction with Rocket Man Designs worked on the initial clay cookstove ideas that have been developed into practical and applicable solutions on ground to be used by our beneficiary communities across India.To know more about our design enterprise – visit the website at www.rocketmandesigns.com

The Smokeless Cookstove Foundation is a Non-profit organisation working towards curbing the problem of Household Air Pollution.
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Red Earth And Smokeless Fire
by Nitisha Agrawal | Jan 10, 2019 |

by Nitisha Agrawal | Feb 4, 2019 |